
View our '17 Point Horse Health Checklist'

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24/7 Mobile Ambulatory, Horse Surgery and Equine Hospital



At Perth Equine Hospital we have a full equine surgical suite, with advanced anaesthetic monitoring equipment, and a padded air conditioned induction and recovery box. With our quiet gantry we can ensure your horse has a smooth, quick, and safe transition from the induction box to the surgical suite, then back to the recovery box, where they can comfortably wake up in peace.

With our full surgical facilities we are able to perform a wide range of routine and emergency surgical procedures including, but not limited to:

  • Arthroscopies – key hole joint surgeries for bone chip removals, flush a septic joint
  • Upper airway – tie back, tie forward, vocal cord resection
  • Colic Surgeries
  • Wound repair
  • Fracture repairs
  • Foal surgeries – umbilical hernia repairs, check ligiment, transphyseal bridging.
  • Routine castrations and cryptorchidectomy (undescended testicle)
  • Eye surgeries

Our surgical procedures are performed by our equine surgeon Dr Danielle Crosby. Danielle is available to see both sports medicine and surgical cases and has a particular interest in synovial infections and colic surgery.


Call 9479 1800 to book your appointment!
